My goal ? provides meaningfull AUDIO PLUGINS to Music producers

The SMAO#LAB team is mainly composed of one developer known as “SMAO” & “EGNOUF”.
I live in Chartreuse, a picturesque region in the French Alps, famous for its eponymous liquor.
I develop plugins for various Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs).
the story of SMAOLAB is not just about developing music plugins; it encompasses much more…
SMAO met Sébastien Leblois, a French Tek House producer, at a concert in Grenoble. We quickly realized we shared the same goal: to spread our knowledge about music creation to others.
Starting from 2016, we began organizing free conferences to disseminate best practices, showcase new electronic music instruments, modular systems, software, and many other aspects of music creation.
One of our notable initiatives was an event called “La Tekno S’invite à l’école.” This event brought electronic music into schools, teaching children about the genre and how to produce it.

In 2019, Christophe Tessa and Enrik Schroeder offered their time and expertise to organise with us, the SMAO#LAB conferences.
We received the prestigious label of “Ableton Live User Group for Grenoble” from Ableton, and the same recognition from Arturia.
We also received substantial support from the renowned Pianotech shop in Grenoble, directed by Christian and his wife, both avid music enthusiasts.
Ableton and Arturia also provided significant assistance, offering us t-shirts, equipment, special guests, and more.
During all these part years, we were able to organize many new sessions in various locations, creating countless memorable and sometimes incredible moments!
However, after many years of working together, Enrik had to focus on his music, and Christophe embarked on a new adventure with a new job.
In October 2023, I decided to stop organizing the SMAO#LAB conferences and “La Tekno S’invite à l’école.” Now, I am focusing on plugin development and spending more time with my family.
You know now almost the entire story!

Main links to our different – past – initiatives
- Organisation of Music conferences for Adults,
- Organisation of Music conferences for children,
- Videos tutorials about Music creation,
- Blog about Music Modular Systems.
SHORT BIO of THE past team
Just like SMAO, Christophe Tessa discovered computer music on an Amiga 500 using Noisetracker and a sound card that allowed sampling (AMAS).
Music was put on hold due to his studies. It was only recently that he returned to the world of computer-assisted music, and in the past 20 years, this little world has changed significantly.
The small programs that once allowed tinkering have evolved and now enable the creation of productions of surprising complexity and quality at home, on a simple computer.
With a rekindled passion, he has delved into exploring software such as Ableton, Reason, Logic Pro X, and many others.
DJ, electronic music producer, as well as a teacher and trainer in computer-assisted music (MAO), joined the group to help us define the various themes for our conferences. He organizes workshops and introduces many techniques related to MAO.
Endrik has an impressive background, starting with the label Interface Records in the 2000s.
He never stops!
For instance, in 2021, he released several tracks:
- « Friday night » on the compilation « Grenoble, 2 » from the Grenoble-based label Records or not records,
- « Second Breath » with the Dutch label Bordello A Parigi, founded in 2011 by Otto Kraanen, which quickly established itself as “one of the best labels in the world,” according to Trax.
Finally, in early April, Endrik released a new track on the album “Life Paradox” from the Russian label Mosaïque Records , alongside many other artists such as Oliver Chesler, The Hacker, Umwelt, and Brandski.